National Procrastination Week 2018 (3/4-3/10): Tips on how NOT to procrastinate when it comes to decluttering and organizing.

Dear Friends, Interesting Fun Fact: The second week of March (3/4-3/10 2018) has been declared National Procrastination Week. It is a national holiday devoted to procrastination and putting off important tasks. Wow. Who knew? Can you relate to the following? “I need to join the self-help group -Procrastinators Anonymous. I just haven’t done it yet.” [...]

2018-07-18T12:53:52-07:00March 8th, 2018|Residential Organizing, Tips and Tricks|

File Folding

Dear Friends, Happy Holidays!  I know this time of year can be stressful but I hope you are enjoying this wonderful season.  In addition to being a Professional Organizer and Declutter Coach, I also happen to be a movie lover.  Going to the movies or watching a good movie at home is one of my [...]

Kitchen Junk Drawer

Dear Friends, The holiday season is now upon us and I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all of you. I was able to turn my passion into my profession and I’m full of gratitude. Thank you for hiring Happy Home Organizers to help you declutter and organize your homes. Thank you for reading [...]

2018-07-18T13:04:32-07:00November 22nd, 2017|Residential Organizing, Tips and Tricks|

How To Fold A Fitted Sheet

[show_more more="show more" less="show less"] hi everybody its Rachel winter from happy home organizers today we're gonna learn how to fold a fitted sheet here we go you must stand over your bed okay you need that flat surface you're gonna want your fitted sheet inside out the long way you take your two middle [...]

2018-07-18T12:35:59-07:00September 12th, 2017|Residential Organizing, Tips and Tricks|

Forget New Year’s Resolutions—Back to School Resolutions are even better!

I was in Wal-Mart and the Dollar Tree last week doing some shopping when a group of kids and parents caught my attention. They were standing among the giant displays of Back to School items—you know, the piles of fresh boxes of crayons with the perfect tips and the stacks of blank notebook paper and [...]

2025-01-29T13:09:38-07:00August 7th, 2017|Tips and Tricks|

Spring Cleaning

Dear Friends, Hooray- Spring has sprung! I’m looking at a gorgeous blue sky. My doors and windows are open as I write this. It’s time to fill your home with fresh spring air. Springtime is all about renewal. Starting new. We are saying goodbye to the cold Winter and welcoming in warmth and beauty. Flowers [...]

2018-07-18T12:06:12-07:00April 10th, 2017|Residential Organizing, Tips and Tricks|

Happy March

Dear Friends, Happy March! The Easter decorations are in the stores now and I’m seeing tulips being displayed. Spring is in the air! March 20th is when Spring officially starts but people are already asking for Spring Cleaning advice. That’s next month’s blog! This month, I wanted to share my fun and exciting experience being [...]

2018-07-18T11:48:46-07:00March 6th, 2017|Residential Organizing, Tips and Tricks|

Want an Instant Closet Makeover? Treat Yourself to New Hangers!

In the 1981 movie, “Mommie Dearest”, there’s a famous scene in which Faye Dunaway, playing Joan Crawford, screams at her young daughter, “No wire hangers!!!  Ever!!!”  It’s a very disturbing scene.  I’m not that crazy but I do agree with her point: Get rid of all your wire hangers!    Why?  Wire hangers are ugly, that’s [...]

2018-07-18T13:00:06-07:00February 1st, 2017|Organizing Products, Residential Organizing, Tips and Tricks|

Start 2015 off with a Decluttered and Organized Home!

NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION… 2015 is the year to CONQUER YOUR CLUTTER and GET ORGANIZED! Are you feeling overwhelmed and totally stressed out with the clutter in your home?  Do you have piles of paper and stuff everywhere?  Do you feel like your house is a mess and therefore suffer with CHAOS – Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome?  Vow to [...]

2016-10-18T18:54:31-07:00January 1st, 2015|Tips and Tricks|

NY Article

This article, printed in the New York Times,  is a very good read for anyone who is trying to declutter and get organized. The best way to declutter is by making a commitment to getting stuff out of your house. You must be willing to "let go"of things. If not, progress will never be made. [...]

2018-07-18T11:38:36-07:00August 25th, 2014|Residential Organizing, Tips and Tricks|
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