Dear Friends,

The holiday season is now upon us and I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all of you. I was able to turn my passion into my profession and I’m full of gratitude.

Thank you for hiring Happy Home Organizers to help you declutter and organize your homes. Thank you for reading my newsletters. Thank you for attending my “Conquer Your Clutter” seminars. I hope you learned a new organizing tip or two.

This month, since many of you will be cooking in your kitchens more, I wanted to share with you how to declutter and organize your KITCHEN JUNK DRAWER. Please watch my vlog below. I think every kitchen needs a junk drawer, unless you have an “office area” right off your kitchen.You always are going to need a pen and paper handy and a place to throw your small miscellaneous “stuff”. I’m a big believer in having one kitchen “junk drawer”. Only one though! No more. Also, just because I’m using the word “junk”, doesn’t mean this drawer can’t look clean and organized.

[show_more more=”show more” less=”show less”color=“#622A6F”]

Remember, each time you open a drawer, all items should be clearly visible and accessible. No digging! That’s the goal. Stuff you no longer need or want? Trash or donate. As always, if you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out this holiday season and need help with your closets, rooms, or drawers, please reach out to me. My job is to bring order and efficiency into your home. My goal is always to make your life easier and better.

I’m just a phone call, an email, or a text away. I’m very grateful to all of you and I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
